Sunday, 7 February 2010

10 days post op...

I think actually it's 11 but who's counting ? Continuing to do well after my Left THR - wound is healing up nicely and bruising has almost all gone - pictures to follow - and I can move around on one crutch in the house now although it feels a bit strange on the left leg and I haven't braved the stairs yet with only one crutch. Am using an icepack 2 or 3 time a day to stay on top of the swelling as the whole left hip/upper thigh/butt area is still pretty swollen and swells up when I'm on my feet.. I expect it will continue to do this for a while yet.

I can shower and dress now without any help and I'm definitely starting to feel more independent and not worried about needing someone else in the house all the time. Just as well really !! I'm also planning on doing some work this week to keep the brain active and ticking I'm pretty bored of daytime TV !

I'm starting to get cabin fever now - haven't been out since getting home from hospital last Monday so I think I will twist someone's arm this week to take me out somewhere for a change of scene...


  1. Wow - one crutch after only 10 days?! I'm am VERY impressed and so very happy for you. You are going to progress so fast from here!!!

  2. oh I hope so Kris !! Desperate to get out for a walk so I'm going to venture out tomorrow for a wander round my little cul-de-sac (only 6 houses so not too big) and I'll be taking 2 crutches just to be on the safe side !!
