Thursday, 21 January 2010

Is it wrong..

to be excited about my new elastic shoelaces ? I know I'm going to look back on this period of my life and fondly remember it someday (ha I don't think so!) but my new shoelaces arrived today and I'm thinking why didn't I know about these months ago as I've twisted myself into various contorted positions to try and put my shoes on.

lace up the shoes, tie them tight and bingo - you can slip those shoes on and off all day !! I may even keep these once I'm better as why would you bother with having to ties laces ever again....then again maybe not !

I really think I need to get out more...


  1. No, it is not wrong to be excited about something that will make your life much easier :) Just be careful, if the elastics are too tight, you will struggle to put your shoes on. If the elastics are too loose, you risk turning your ankle. Take it from me, the elastic shoelace professional ;)

    xo Vanessa

  2. the shoe came off when I took the dog out this lunchtime !! need to tie them tighter I think... thanks shoelace pro...

    D x

  3. Not wrong at all! I bought 3 pairs of shoes with elastic shoelaces after my surgery - including a pink pair! I lived in those things once I got out of the house.

    And I still wear them - comfortable and easy off/on. I know what you mean about wondering where they were for all the years before my THR. The contortions I used to go thru to get my shoes on...
