Pretty tired today as I had hydro yesterday which was great but definitely quite tiring.. which I'm thinking is to be expected but still managing on just paras and diclo (can't quite believe it myself) and diclo are down to once every 12 hours. I really thought I would be counting the minutes between painkillers but it isn't like that at all. Did some physio this morning - basically along my floor upstairs along the floor above and then downstairs back to my room on the crutches and I'm fine on the stairs (not like I haven't had the practice).
I can't explain just how positive I feel about having had this op and I think that plays an important part in my pain levels and how I'm coping with it all. Mr Witt my surgeon came in last night and is very pleased with xrays that were done yesterday and has given me some stretches to do as my operated leg is feeling longer than the non-op leg (very common and will sort itself out apparently). I got the feeling if I'd lived closer or had pushed it he might have let me go home this morning but as it is we have non-changeable train tickets for Monday to travel back from London to Scotland and although my brother lives nearby, they have 4 flights of stairs which I'm not so keen on tackling. My wonderful hubby borrowed a wheelchair this afternoon though and took me for a blast of fresh air (was a beautiful day here) round the block.
The only negatives are I have no real appetite (could be a bonus if I lose a few pounds though !) so it's a bit of chore to eat and that's not normally an issue for me. The food is very good and there's a big menu to choose from but sometimes you just want to eat what's familiar etc. I also can't bear the smell of chocolate weirdly which I'm hoping lasts !!
As nice as this hospital is, they totally aren't geared up with all the right equipment like proper toilet seat raisers with a frame etc - they brought crutches etc but no grabbers (I ended up borrowing one from the physio) or a long handled shoe horn or all those other essential bits and bobs. So I'm looking forward to getting home to have home comforts and home cooked food. Although they are good with physio too and there are always nurses to help etc, no-one has shown me how to put my socks or underwear on, or addressed those kinds of issues. If I didn't know what to expect, that could have been pretty scary. Probably a reflection of the private system which doesn't provide OT support and assumes that you will arrange it yourself.
Anyway, all good so far, no regrets and I can't stress enough that although it's scary to have to have a THR at 35, it's totally doable and not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. And boy, the feeling of stability and a solid hip everytime I take a step is great.
Dee x
FAI News
7 years ago